About Me

I am 29 and have a 21 month old at the time of writing this profile. I'm going to try to get fitter and I'm doing the couch to 5k programme with an iPhone app called GetRunning.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Week Two Run Two

A quick update as my toddler is crawling and climbing all over me!  I didn't get to sleep until 1:30 this morning as it was hot and my eczema was SO irritating.  I was determined to get up this morning otherwise I knew I'd have no time today and if I don't stick to schedule then I get less and less likely to continue.

So after 5 1/2 hours sleep I managed to get up at 6 and leave the house at 6:05. :) I found it REALLY hard straight from the go!  By the time I was on my last run, which is downhill I have to add, I was fine to keep going for a few more minutes, or at least I felt that way, but I just stuck to it as I was almost home and knew I'd have to walk it off. 

Stretching is something I've always done since my gym days, but I had forgotten the importance of 'shaking it out'.  I've done this after the last two runs and haven't hurt yippee!  Going to get the Wii Yoga out later! lol  So far so good...

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