About Me

I am 29 and have a 21 month old at the time of writing this profile. I'm going to try to get fitter and I'm doing the couch to 5k programme with an iPhone app called GetRunning.

Friday, 30 July 2010

I got my gait analysis today

** This is copied from my post on runnersforum.co.uk so sorry if it's a repeat! **

Yay so excited!

I went to InterSport today and the helpful lady analysed me on the treadmill and I was shocked at how much my ankles go inwards. I totally over pronate. I knew this would be the case but not so seriously. Running shoes cost mega bucks! I got some Mizuno ones that were £85 My other half was not impressed! I was so worried about injury though. I couldn't believe the difference they made to my ankles and legs while running in them it was so interesting to see.

Of course, I could have brought them elsewhere but this place charged a £10 fee for being analysed without purchasing so I thought I'd go for it. Luckily Mum was around with her credit card, so I need to pay her back over the following weeks.

I love them though, they're not the prettiest creating but they'll do a great job I know. Now to get some proper socks next...I used the shop ones to try trainers on and couldn't believe how airy they were. Much better than my standard old trainer socks!

Probably testing them on Sunday.

EDITED: Uh-oh I have new trainer syndrome.  I want to get out there and test them tomorrow but must resist...must resist...

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