About Me

I am 29 and have a 21 month old at the time of writing this profile. I'm going to try to get fitter and I'm doing the couch to 5k programme with an iPhone app called GetRunning.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Run One Week Three

Done done done done.  :)  Finally. 

It was interesting.  VERY hot out there I hadn't realised when I got dressed in a black hard rock cafe vest!  Still at least I had very light trackies on.  They're so perfect for everything.

Three minute runs.  Actually I'll get onto that in a minute.  The first 90 second run came surprisingly easy, is this actually working?  I was pretty slow but I was very hot the 2pm sun was burning down, although mad me actually likes it that way, don't know why!  It's harder and I have to work harder to get through it.  I guess it's the challenge.  I always loved going to my old, non air conditioned gym in the summer (there were fans).  The 3 minute run was quite good at first, I thought I'd almost done when she said I was halfway through!  Hey ho.  I kept on for the rest of the 3 minutes though it wasn't easy, it wasn't painful either.  Having said that, the walk break was very welcome.

Enjoyed the next 90 second run too, it's nice to have some variety now I'm further into the programme.

The last 3 minute run was hard at around the 1 minute point then felt easier, as it was coming to an end I did an extra 20 seconds or so because I felt good.  I stopped so not to overdo it. 

All in all I'm pleased.

The difference today was my personal parade of classic American cars.  I live basically on the perimeter of a disused airfield that was used to station American troops in the 2nd World War I think these cars were doing something related to that.  Nice to see, normally I'm lucky to meet a dog walker!

Some pics will follow.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for getting out there when motivation was low! I think leaving the house intending to run is half the battle (or in my case getting out of bed early enough as I always run early morning)!

    Wow, I don't know how you can run at 2pm! I'd just be too hot I think. My brother (who's a hardcore runner and triathlon competitor) says the same though, he loves the heat when he's running. Crazy! ;-P
