Oh I am so pleased with how today went. :)
I woke at 5:50 reluctant to get out of bed but forced myself and subsequently thought it may not be the best day for my run! However, before I went out I had half a banana and think it made a big difference.
So, RunKeeper loaded, iPod loaded and GetRunning loaded, I started walking telling myself I
can do it! I was keen when the first 3 minute run started and managed that really well I was happy with it. :) I didn't go as slow as I had before but kept it pretty relaxed as I knew the hard work really came later!
The first 5 minute run was great! Of course it was hard work as usual, but I felt good and actually felt that I could run some more after it ended. Since the beginning I've struggled with my breathing. I've always had a problem with the 'jerky breathing' that comes from the impact. I've always tried to run breathing in my nose and out my mouth which is the way I was taught many years ago. This is the main cause of my difficulties. I simply breathed in and out of my mouth today and focused on the oxygen making my muscles work and it was a million times easier. In the past, I haven't been easily able to do this as I've got a sore throat/chest but it was fine today. That's what I'm going to do from now on, I felt I was getting enough oxygen for a change! Result!
My route follows very old paths/roads through the fields, they're not maintained so the concrete is all broken and uneven. I think this makes my legs work harder to cope with the uneven ground (it is all up and down and dodging to avoid pot holes etc!) BUT I'm pleased that it's a difficult route, it must be better in the long run. That's what I keep telling myself anyway!
Anyway, the last 5 minute run was downhill a little and as usual was much easier. I felt great and although I did have slightly tired legs and was a little out of breath it wasn't anything major. I usually struggle to open my backdoor as I'm so desperate to get inside and stretch but today I had to remind myself to stretch! Normally I
need to to make my legs feel a better! I ate the rest of the banana when I got in too :) I don't normally like banana that much, but I'm starting to do things just because they're good for me!
This new success could be a mix of things; dinner last night consisted of lots of pasta, I had a bit of breakfast before I ran, I worked out my breathing.
I also got into such a great consistent stride that it felt
So all in all - happy!
Now next week may be a different story, the dreaded week 5. Think I'll try to get the first run in on Sunday instead of having a 2 day rest. We'll see!