About Me

I am 29 and have a 21 month old at the time of writing this profile. I'm going to try to get fitter and I'm doing the couch to 5k programme with an iPhone app called GetRunning.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Week 6 Run 2, 2 again and 3!


It's been too long since I updated this blog, it's been a hectic week!

I attempted to do run 2 on Monday, failing badly! Run 2 was run 10, walk 3, run 10.  I had a fast pace on the first 10 minutes so I think that wore my legs out and I just couldn't continue to complete the second run. I walked home and was not happy with myself at all.  See a forum post all about it here:  http://www.runnersforum.co.uk/beginners/17866-pick-your-thread-subject-need-encouragement.html

With a lot of fantastic support I got out again on Tuesday and did it again, this time with success! :)  I slowed it down again which was the key.  My first attempt at this took me on a slightly different route, and I worried halfway through a particular section that  I shouldn't be there, it's private etc.  Then in private land around here I worry that people may be hunting or something lol.  Possibly made me run faster!

Today after not enough sleep (was working till midnight boo) I managed to drag myself out of bed at 5:50am and get out for my 25 minute run.  I used my iPhone armband for the first time despite having it for several weeks!  It worked well, and stopped me from checking the time continuously so I'll be using that more often.  The first few minutes were really hard and my legs started to ache!  Luckily I remembered from the 20 minute run that it gets better!  It did, and by the 10 minute point I'd started to get in to it, a good steady pace and steady breathing.  My route isn't circular so turning around to come home always throws of off a little and it took me a few minutes to get my pace back.

All in all I am really pleased with how it went.  I wasn't too wiped out and don't really ache.  I would like to get faster but need to get the time up first!  So, no more intervals.  Argh!

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